Who can join? Anyone! To be a member of the Post itself, youth must be between the ages of 9 (or in the 4th grade) and 21. If you are over the age of 21, we would love to have you join as an adult Post advisor. We are always looking for mentors/volunteers, and if you are an engineer, scientist, teacher, or even if you just want to learn more about STEAM fields, you should join us. The cost to be a member is just $100 per year per youth. There is no cost for adults (18 and over).
If you are considering joining STEAM Post 26, what are you waiting for? All you need to do is visit https://4h.zsuite.org/ and sign up. You will pay a $20 registration fee upon signing up with through ZSuites (this money goes directly to the 4H and is in addition to Post dues). You will pay the rest of the dues directly to our treasurer when you complete our Post registration form. Don’t let money be a barrier. If you cannot afford the dues, please don’t hesitate to let us know and we will work something out. We want anyone who wants to join us to be able to.
STEAM Post 26 Registration Process Instructions
STEAM Post 26 Registration Form